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GPS World - August 27, 2018

STATS GPS provides coaches with instant performance feedback

By: Tracy Cozzens

Sports data company STATSports is offering STATS GPS shirts to provide real-time GPS intelligence to athletes and coaches.

Wearing STATS GPS shirts, teams can monitor player metrics such as accelerations/decelerations, energy expenditure and count of zone entries, as well as time, distance and power thresholds.

The system uses a 50-Hz sampling frequency. It allows practitioners to monitor up to 100 players in real time and post session with more than 300 GPS, inertial measurement unit (IMU) and HR-derived metrics, the company said.

The shirts feature an embedded medical-grade ECG sensor that’s fully integrated with the GPS units, allowing for seamless real-time analysis with the STATS Dynamix online portal.

Customizable reports can include information on imbalance, cardiovascular metrics and running, explosive and brake symmetry.

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