Opta and Stats sports data is trusted across the globe. Our extensive databases go back to the early 1900s and are used by teams, analysts, broadcasters, publishers, journalists, bookmakers, fantasy games and brands to bring fans closer to sport.
High-quality player betting experiences start with deep, accurate player data. Our proprietary archive spans 35 years, 15 sports, hundreds of leagues, thousands of players and millions of player statistics, and is trusted by some of the world’s largest broadcasters, teams, media and sportsbooks.
Coverage and advanced data points include premium tracking data, the Opta F73 expected goals feed and F24 xy data for football (soccer), cricket shot- and ball-type data, MLB X-Info (pitch-type data) and NFL X–Info, which contains data such as blocking schemes, receiver routes and the involvement of each player on each play.
We’ve also begun to collect our deepest-ever player tracking data from broadcast video courtesy of AutoSTATS.
Described by SBCNews as a ‘breakthrough second-screen experience’, Opta data powers pre-match and live global football player props and player stats trackers for top-tier operators like Sky Bet, bet365, Entain and Kaizen Gaming helping them create new thrills from every foul, shot, pass and tackle.
Whether you’re developing your own player props or require modelling, pricing and settlement available through our accredited pricing provider network, Opta-powered stats markets will change the game for your customers.