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Webinar: An Introduction To The Role AI Is Playing In Sports Analytics

The Role AI Is Playing In The Next Era Of Sports Analytics

By: Stats Perform

AI In Sport Series Part 1

the role AI is playing in the next era of sports analysis.

The AI in Sport Series began by providing members of the sports industry with a solid grounding in the role Artificial Intelligence plays in maximizing the value of sports data. In our first session, our Chief Scientist, Patrick Lucey, PHD explored:

  • The intersection between sports data and AI.
  • The journey of sports analytics to where it is today.
  • A look at current applications of AI in sport.

Sessions 2, 3 and 4 are still to come and will go on to explore what the current state of play is in each sport and what the future holds.

Complete the form to download the recording for session 1.