This tax strategy has been prepared and published in accordance with paragraph 16 (2), Schedule 19, Finance Act 2016, on behalf of the UK tax resident entities within the Stats Perform group. This tax strategy is effective from 1 January 2024 and will remain effective until any amendments are approved by the Board.
- The Stats Perform Group aims to pro-actively manage its tax affairs to ensure full compliance with all applicable tax laws and compliance requirements.
- The strategy specifically focuses on the UK tax strategy and its interactions with the tax authorities; however, the Group’s tax strategy is consistent with respect to all jurisdictions in which it operates, and is driven by the same principles and aims.
- The Tax Strategy applies to all UK taxes which includes income tax, corporation tax, VAT, property and employment related taxes.
- This Tax Strategy is applicable to the accounting period ended 31 December 2023 and applies from the date of publication until it is superseded.
Tax Governance
- Stats Perform is an internationally active group which has customers, suppliers and entities in multiple jurisdictions across the globe. To manage the inherent tax risk associated with this, Stats Perform has developed clear tax policies, procedures and controls which are overseen by the Global Head of Tax.
- A dedicated internal tax team, led by the Global Head of Tax, is responsible for the implementation of the Group’s tax strategy and supporting tax policies. Members of the tax team are experienced with appropriate professional qualifications and experience which reflect the responsibilities required for their roles.
- When the need arises, the expertise of the Stats Perform internal tax team is supplemented through the use of suitably qualified external tax advisors.
- Board level oversight is provided by the Stats Perform Group’s Chief Financial Officer who is also the Senior Accounting Officer.
Tax Planning and Risk Management
- There are a number of factors that affect the Group’s tax risk and these arise both internally and externally. Stats Perform’s ability to control these factors varies and its internal tax team works to minimise these risks. For example:
- new and developing tax legislation is monitored and the impact on the Group is assessed and active measures are taken to ensure there are adequate processes in place to comply with any change;
- risk in relation to tax in general is managed by the internal tax team and if a position is uncertain the Group may obtain third-party advice in order to gain clarity or support for a particular stance or approach;
- engaging only in transactions that have genuine economic substance and in the event of conflict;
- whilst tax is considered in all significant business decisions, the group does not undertake any transactions or operate in perceived tax havens for the sole purpose of realising tax savings;
- conducting all intra-group transactions on an arm’s length basis and in accordance with the OECD guidelines, reflecting the relative risks undertaken and economic value added, by each of the parties to the transaction.
- The group has prepared a tax policy document which underpins all tax processes and a risk register and both of these documents are reviewed regularly to ensure that they address all key risks and ensure all applicable processes are documented.
- The Stats Perform Group will utilise tax incentives, reliefs or opportunities to obtain tax efficiencies where available and where they are aligned with our business or operational objectives while remaining compliant with all relevant laws. The tax function therefore inputs into commercial decision-making processes and provides appropriate input into business proposals to ensure a clear understanding of the tax consequences of any business decisions made.
- The Stats Perform Group does not tolerate tax evasion or the facilitation of tax evasion. Stats Perform applies appropriate procedures and controls which seek to prevent any person acting on its behalf from facilitating tax evasion.
Relationship with HMRC
- The Stats Perform Group is committed to dealing with tax authorities in an open and honest manner and to maintain a cooperative working relationship and are committed to paying the right amount of tax in the right place at the right time.
- The Stats Perform Group aims to make accurate and timely disclosures in all returns and correspondence and to work with for the tax authorities to minimise the extent of disputes. Where we are uncertain as to how tax law applies we look to discuss this with the relevant tax authority to achieve certainty for Stats Perform and the tax authority concerned.